Step 0) Install Napoleon Total War on the C drive of your computer.
Step 1) Download The Great War Mod 6.0 HERE
Step 2) Open the zip file and drag and drop it on the desktop.
Step 3) Open the 6.0 folder on the desktop and drag and drop the data folder into the NTW directory so it overwrites the existing data folder.
Step 4) Verify that all the folders are in the right place.
The full path should look like this;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Napoleon Total War\data\The Great War
If done correctly the files in the data folder will look like this;
The files inside the ww1_main folder should look like this;
The files inside The Great War directory should look like this;
And the main game files folder should look like this;
Step 6) Run the launcher to play the mod. Keep the launcher settings at default to avoid issues since those settings are not complete.
Launcher path should be;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Napoleon Total War\data\The Great War\Launcher.exe
**Default Launcher Settings**
- Unit Size - Ultra
(make sure to set this in the game settings not in the launcher)
- Campaign Difficulty - Very Hard
(the difficulty options have been changed to normal, hard, very hard and ironman. The campaign is balanced for very hard. Ironman gives the AI extreme income and other bonuses while also reducing income and increasing unrest for the player so be prepared)
- Battle Difficulty - Ironman
(the new difficulty changes only apply to the campaign so setting battles to ironman is the same difficulty as very hard was previously)
Edited by: Bdizzle356
I am having several problems and I am hoping you can help as I am extremely eager to play.
Firstly, I cannot start a new game under single player without the game crashing.
Secondly, I have tried to install the 6.0 but having the same issue. but i can continue from my first game off the previous patch.
Please help
When Starting trough the Launcer, it didn't Start up Great War, it Starts up Napoleon.
The Great War Mods that i tried so Far (3 and 4?) some Months or Years Ago were a Buggy Mess,Tanks dont Work, Campaign dont work, but they would start for some Times before not Starting ever again. And thats Its more then GW 6 do. It does Nothing.
Hi guys
I would like to try the mod using a Mac, of course the launcher doesn't work under Mac Os, is there a way I can launch the mod (maybe command line) ?
Thanks for the help
Wurstritter wrote:When Starting trough the Launcer, it didn't Start up Great War, it Starts up Napoleon.
The Great War Mods that i tried so Far (3 and 4?) some Months or Years Ago were a Buggy Mess,Tanks dont Work, Campaign dont work, but they would start for some Times before not Starting ever again. And thats Its more then GW 6 do. It does Nothing.
What operating system are you using?
I am having the same single player campaign issue as kidnamedfrank. The game crashes when I attempt to play the SP campaign. I use Windows 10, and have made sure to follow the installation instructions to the letter. The only thing that could potentially be a cause for this issue is that I previously had the NTW3 mod installed, but I made absolutely sure to uninstall the mod and delete all files and scripts relating to it.
Wurstritter wrote:When Starting trough the Launcer, it didn't Start up Great War, it Starts up Napoleon.
Same issue, using windows 8 BTW
This is the best mod I have ever played. Thank you!
Does the "Logs" file have to be present?
HistoryBuffs wrote:Does the "Logs" file have to be present?
No, that gets auto generated whenever a new game starts.
Hi, I tried to play with Kingdom of Italy, but the units and some buildings have not the description, is that normal?
Kesar87 wrote:Hi, I tried to play with Kingdom of Italy, but the units and some buildings have not the description, is that normal?
Dont choose authentic naming in the launcher, leave all the launcher settings on default.
Edited by: Bdizzle356
BDIZZLE356 wrote:Kesar87 wrote:Hi, I tried to play with Kingdom of Italy, but the units and some buildings have not the description, is that normal?
Dont choose authentic naming in the launcher, leave all the launcher settings on default.
thanks for replying, I left all the original settings but nothing to do, no description appears
Doesn't seem to be working? I replaced the files when the game asked, then I launch the game through the mod's launcher and it just loads up the base game. Should I run it in administrator?
I'm having an issue launching the game. I'm playing on Windows 10, took all the steps as their shown and made sure all my folders matched up. I launch through the launcher, and it does the base game not the mod
FYI to anyone who may be wondering, removing the other campaigns from the folder doesn't change anything
When I launch the mod the game loads and then crashes, I can't understand why?Can you help me please.
I am trying to download the file for my Mac but for some reason the only fine I get is TGWV1.rar and it’s a blank document. Does anyone have any idea on how to solve It and get the file working. Thanks
hey so i tryed installing it and for some reason the file saved as an internet explorer file instead of a zip and wont let me do anything with it help
Try using Google chrome to download the file.
I too cannot get the main campaign to launch. When I am on the faction selection screen most of the flags are French flags. Additionally, when I launch battles, I can enter a battle but only the original game models are used.
Troubleshooting so far:
Checked every file matched with each installation screenshots, using all recommended settings.
Verified game file integrity on steam
Made sure normal game was working
Tried the 5.1 version of the mod (same problems)
Made sure mod launcher was on default settings, also tried Classic
The only thing I've done differently from the instructions is the game is installed on my D:\ drive, with the rest of my steam library.
I'm running WIN10, fresh install from Steam.
For some reason it is having trouble loading the mod's assets packs. I reviewed the logs files for the campaign and the launcher, no signs of any errors.
Any suggestions?
Launcher log:
# PROGRAM STARTED #D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Napoleon Total War\D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Napoleon Total War\\dataD:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Napoleon Total War\\data\campaignsD:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Napoleon Total War\data\The Great War# Fetch Update #Getting Update.txt# Launch Button Pressed #Installing files..Move File: _GreatWar5_Agents.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_AI.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_Ancs.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_Animations.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_Battleterrain.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_Campaign.packMove File: _GreatWar5_DB.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_DB_Tech_Effects.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_EngineModels_Models.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_EngineModels_Textures.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_Extras.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_Formations.packMove File: _GreatWar5_Frontend.packMove File: _GreatWar5_Historic_Characters.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_LUA.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_Mappack.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_Media_Sounds.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_Media_Video.packMove File: _GreatWar5_Rebels.packMove File: _GreatWar5_RigidModels.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_Sound_Patch.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_Text.packMove File: _GreatWar5_Textures_Effects.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_Textures_Naval.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_Traits.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Campaign.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Events.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Flags.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Flag_Tiles.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_LoadingScreens.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Portraits.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Portraits_Extra.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Units.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_UnitModels.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_VariantModels_Atlas.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_VariantModels_Atlas2.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_VariantModels_Atlas3.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_VariantModels_Equipment.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_VariantModels_UnitParts.pack[Write Mod Line]Move File: _GreatWar5_VariantModels_Units.pack[Write Mod Line]Uninstalling old files..40 mod files foundMove File: _GreatWar5_Agents.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_AI.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Ancs.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Animations.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Battleterrain.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Campaign.pack[Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_DB.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_DB_Tech_Effects.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_EngineModels_Models.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_EngineModels_Textures.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Extras.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Formations.pack[Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Frontend.pack[Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Historic_Characters.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_LUA.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Mappack.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Media_Sounds.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Media_Video.pack[Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Rebels.pack[Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_RigidModels.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Sound_Patch.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Text.pack[Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Textures_Effects.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Textures_Naval.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_Traits.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Campaign.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Events.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Flags.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Flag_Tiles.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_LoadingScreens.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Portraits.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Portraits_Extra.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_UI_Units.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_UnitModels.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_VariantModels_Atlas.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_VariantModels_Atlas2.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_VariantModels_Atlas3.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_VariantModels_Equipment.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_VariantModels_UnitParts.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Move File: _GreatWar5_VariantModels_Units.pack[Write Mod Line][Found]Data Folder Files:all_scripted.luabattleterrain.packbattle_scripted.luaboot.packbuildings.packdata.packlanguage.txtlocal_en.packlocal_en_patch.packmedia.packpatch.packpatch2.packpatch3.packpatch4.packpatch5.packpatch6.packpatch7.packpatch_media.packpatch_media2.packrigidmodels.packsound.packvariantmodels.packvariantmodels2.pack_GreatWar5_Agents.pack_GreatWar5_AI.pack_GreatWar5_Ancs.pack_GreatWar5_Animations.pack_GreatWar5_Battleterrain.pack_GreatWar5_Campaign.pack_GreatWar5_DB.pack_GreatWar5_DB_LargeScale.pack_GreatWar5_DB_Tech_Effects.pack_GreatWar5_EngineModels_Models.pack_GreatWar5_EngineModels_Textures.pack_GreatWar5_Extras.pack_GreatWar5_Formations.pack_GreatWar5_Frontend.pack_GreatWar5_Historic_Characters.pack_GreatWar5_LUA.pack_GreatWar5_Mappack.pack_GreatWar5_Media_Sounds.pack_GreatWar5_Media_Video.pack_GreatWar5_Rebels.pack_GreatWar5_RigidModels.pack_GreatWar5_Sound_Patch.pack_GreatWar5_Text.pack_GreatWar5_Textures_Effects.pack_GreatWar5_Textures_Naval.pack_GreatWar5_Trails_Minimal.pack_GreatWar5_Traits.pack_GreatWar5_UI_Campaign.pack_GreatWar5_UI_Events.pack_GreatWar5_UI_Flags.pack_GreatWar5_UI_Flag_Tiles.pack_GreatWar5_UI_LoadingScreens.pack_GreatWar5_UI_Portraits.pack_GreatWar5_UI_Portraits_Extra.pack_GreatWar5_UI_Units.pack_GreatWar5_UnitModels.pack_GreatWar5_VariantModels_Atlas.pack_GreatWar5_VariantModels_Atlas2.pack_GreatWar5_VariantModels_Atlas3.pack_GreatWar5_VariantModels_Equipment.pack_GreatWar5_VariantModels_UnitParts.pack_GreatWar5_VariantModels_Units.pack# Game Process Starting #Attempting to hook processProcess found after 1 loopsWaiting for exit: 16:29:30:494Caught exit: 16:29:47:314Restoring packsNo error on restore# Exiting launcher #
How do I download on mac?
Wurstritter wrote:When Starting trough the Launcer, it didn't Start up Great War, it Starts up Napoleon.
Try to choose "Install mod" and then "launch game" option (in launcher -> launcher options -> Alternate launch method -> Install mod, Launch game)
Edited by: Tokumeisha
Are units in the custom battles supposed to cost 1 each
When I try to use the launcher I get an alert saying I'm missing a bunch of vanilla pack files. I'm using the Total War: Napoleon Definitive Edition on Steam, so idk how I could be missing any files. Can anyone help me out?